The Fuchsia Year Cycle

There is much new and even thrilling to be found throughout the year cycle of the fuchsias. Each month has got its own charm and specific requirements for care and other activities related to fuchsias. In posts, arranged in months, i will show here the progress of my plants with many photographs and informations related to my passion of collecting fuchsias. The calendar points to the 03. January 2014, and the year-cycle of the fuchsias has already begun.

Regenbogen 05.2013

(The Photograph is not from today!)

Welcome to my time-trip to the year cycle of fuchsias!


Fuchsias are blossoming in February

Posted by on Feb 14, 2014 in Fuchsia Year, Fuchsias in February, Fuchsien-Jahr | 0 comments

Fuchsias are blossoming in February

Part 2

Fuchsias for Valentines Day! (more…)

Fuchsia Blossoms in the Greenhouse in February

Posted by on Feb 14, 2014 in Fuchsia Year, Fuchsias in February, Fuchsien-Jahr | 0 comments

Fuchsia Blossoms in the Greenhouse in February

Part 1

Daytime is- again- increasing.


Some Fuchsias blossoming in january

Posted by on Jan 30, 2014 in Fuchsia Year, Fuchsias in January, Fuchsien im Januar, Fuchsien-Jahr | 0 comments

Some Fuchsias blossoming in january

Fuchsia Blossoms in January are quite touching….

….and i am proud of them!


There might be quite some discussion or philosophical dispute, wether the shape or nature of the plant and also the form or color of the leaves may be as well decisive for declaring a fuchsia to be beautiful.


Care for the Fuchsias in the greenhouse in January

Posted by on Jan 26, 2014 in Fuchsia Year, Fuchsias in January, Fuchsien im Januar, Fuchsien-Jahr | 0 comments

Care for the Fuchsias in the greenhouse in January

Whether it is snowing or freezing outdoors, in the greenhouse the heater maintains a temperature above 6°C. To keep the costs of heating at bay, the windows should be regularly controlled for tightness. (more…)

Cuttings: Starting the year 2014

Posted by on Jan 15, 2014 in Fuchsia Year, Fuchsias in January, Fuchsien im Januar, Fuchsien-Jahr | 0 comments

Cuttings: Starting the year 2014


The moon is descending, and i am keen enough to try the first cuttings this year!


Preparing the Propagation with Cuttings

Posted by on Jan 10, 2014 in Fuchsia Year, Fuchsias in January, Fuchsien im Januar, Fuchsien-Jahr | 0 comments

Preparing the Propagation with Cuttings

Some of my Fuchsias in the greenhouse are sprouting rapidly. I have to start pinching, to grow the plants bushy and keep them from getting to widespreading. This is the right time to plant cuttings, other then waisting the cuts. Scince i read a few articles about that the best time to plant is the time of the descending moon, i will have to wait 3 more days to cut the plants. But i am quite impatient and looking forward to it!


New Fuchsias each Year?

Posted by on Jan 3, 2014 in Fuchsia Year, Fuchsias in January, Fuchsien im Januar, Fuchsien-Jahr | 0 comments

New Fuchsias each Year?

Many years ago this was my opinion, scince the overwintering of plants like Fuchsias and Pelargonias was impossible and frustrating to me, the outcome annoying. In the meantime i became familiar with preparing the Fuchsias for the “hybernation” (you should Know!) and their accommodation during winter.


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