crossbreeding the hybrids “Roesse Blacky” and “Bella Rosella”. The result was presented to the Keuringskommissie in 2004 and given the name of the renown Fuchsia-Gardener from Augsburg/ Germany, a good friend of him since many years. Since Angelika Fuhrmann celebrates her birthday this week, i want to forward my best wishes and congratulation this way!
This hybrid does definitely show the lineage from “Roesse Blacky”. But the blossoms, growing from long stems, are without doubt larger, even if not as large as they are with “Bella Rosella”, the second parent plant, which is among the favorite Fuchsia of M. Michels. But the form of the blossoms of “Angelica Fuhrmann”, due to the long pistil, is more elegant. Blossoms of this size with such a intense aubergine-purple color are truly striking, but seldom do they tolerate direct sunlight as good as this hybrid!
Overwintering in the greenhouse is without any problems, but growth is not to fast. In does take some years to cultivate a larger plant, particularly since regular cutting back is recommended to further a compact, bushy growth. This might as well be a benefit to those who do only have restricted space at their disposal, e.g. a balcony.
This Fuchsia may be obtained by some specialized nurseries as Michiels in Belgium and Friedl in Germany.
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