Fuchsia HeRi Mochara – Fuchsia of the Week 19/2014

is one of the few Fuchsias with a deep blue color.


Fuchsia HeRi Mochara

Fuchsia HeRi Mochara

The hybridizer is Henri Buiting from the Netherlands, who crossbred “Quasar” and “Leon Pauwels”, both being of sign significant lighter color. The result was introduced in 2006, a opulent growing hybrid with a quite rare hue. Starting with a cold, deep blue of the corollas the color changes to a crimson-purple. The pure white sepals are the rim to the large, filled blossoms, showing a remarkable contrast.


But this Fuchsia is not quite easy-to-care: it flourishes only in half-shade and is sensitive to watering. There has to be just the right amount of water, not to much or to less. Treating it diligently and giving enough fertilizer one is rewarded with a beautiful spectacle of abundant blossoms from may to frost.




Fuchsia HeRi Mochara

Fuchsia HeRi Mochara






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