This is a german weblog about Fuchsias. The Content is first posted in German, translations will follow as fast as possible.
Please note that the translation is done by a not-native english-speaker. I will do my very best, but i am not a professional translator. Please excuse any clumsy, crude or even rude idioms and phrases, no offense meant to any reader. I simply might not know it better. I especially found that i do not know much of the special language of gardening. If you recognize faulty use of that language or have suggestions about better readability please use the contact form below. I am very eager to learn and adapt. Thank you indeed!
Other-ways, this is an excellent training for my english language proficiency and i really enjoy doing the translations.
And i do really feel that this fine Blog my beloved wife is posting is worth to be presented to Fuchsia- and Garden-Passionates throughout the world, knowing that German is not exactly the language mostly spoken around the world. But English might do for propagating this Blog further.
To fetch the english rss-feed click the button bellow, scince the rss-plugin we use is not bilingual and will lead to the german rss-feed.
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