The mother-plant is the hybrid “WALZ Harp” fom the renown breeder Henk Waldenmaier and is frequently used for crossbreeding. As so often the father-lineage is in this case not known. M. Deelkens did obviously use WALZ Harp for repeated crossbreeding, and this lineage is obvious. Unfortunately he stopped this lineage after only a few years. Unfortunately to me because this type of Fuchsias appeals to my liking a lot. Contrary to other hybrids from Deelkens “Kempenaar” grows upright, but should be supported due to many blossoms that might drag down and even break the branches. Beside that it is quite resistant, even to sun and rain.
Even one single plant does grow within one season very lush and flourishes abundantly (as to be seen in the Photos), making it impossible to ignore her if present. This seems to be known to Fuchsia-Enthusiasts as it is not to easy to obtain it some times. And even though this hybrid is listed in the repertoire of some outstanding Nurseries, as these mentioned in this blog: Fuchsianursery Friedl, Fuchsianursery Guttmann und Fuchsianursery Michiels. But not later than the plants show blossoms it will be sold out quite rapidly. And, even though i had a lot of problems with the fungus rust last year, “Kempenaar” was not infested with it. And that, at last to me, contradicts strongly the opinion that hybrids of this color are specially sensitive to this plague.
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