Fuchsia Martin’s Umbrella – Fuchsia of the Week 36/2014

presents its glaring red single blossoms- looking like an umbrella- best situated within a half-shade location.

The style of the blossom is obviously from its paternal side. The hybridizer Martin Beije from Netherlands took the pollen of the hybrid “Impudence” and dusted with this a hybrid from “Danny Kaye” and “Display”. THe result was introduced and given its name in 2000.


Fuchsia Martin's Umbrella

Fuchsia Martin’s Umbrella


The Fuchsia “Martin’s Umbrella” gave me a lot of pleasure, but as well now and than some grief. Like “Impudence” it grows fast and loosely branching, not ramifying much, and getting woody quite fast, and therefore is unfortunately brittle at gusty winds. One should start early to provide adequate fixation. Beside that the hybrid will only open up the blossoms during a weather cycle of moderate temperature and wind. And it will not drop the withered blossoms of its own, and therefore the task to remove them has to be done regularly.

Overwintering might be a problem, even within a greenhouse.

Like many Fuchsia this hybrid should not be kept to wet. On the other hand, there has to be enough water to prevent, sometime partial, dry out. One has therefore to control it often enough and should not have to much confidence in the “hibernation”.


But the effort has by all means its worth!









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